Pawan Saharan
Biomix Network Ltd, USA
Title: Paradigm shift in discovery of new generation antibodies and their biosimilars via path breaking innovation Radha 108 (Receptol)
Biography: Pawan Saharan
Pawan Saharan has invented Radha108 Nano Peptides that naturally producing new generation antibodies and their biosimilar like cytokine (interleukin & interferon) by secretion from cytotoxic T-cells of the innate immune system, which was increased by fi ve times due to Radha 108 Nano Peptide that get absorbed in the blood through buccal mucosa and crosses the blood brain barrier. Radha108 act on pituitary gland that in turn promotes diff erentiation of B cells, maturation of macrophages and monocytes and stimulates production of cytokines IL-1 to IL-11, TNF-α, INF–γ and maturation of immature thymocytes into either helper or suppressor T cells that helps building body's immune system strongly to fi ght any infection and immune disorders like asthma, allergy, URTI, carcinomas and type 2 diabetes saving hundreds of billions of $ that are spent in treating such ailments with little or no effi cacy. Th e mode of action of Receptol® is based on API Radha 108 Nano-informational peptides proteins which are active in mitigating cell fusion and docks on Gp120, 180, 160 Receptor CD4, CD8 on the cell surface closing entry of virus like foreign antigen and allergens. Radha108 functions as a molecular signaling device which works through receptors on target cell surfaces. Radha108 Nano Peptides SEQ ID 1-8 extracted from Bovine Colostrum with the Granted US patent (U.S. Patent No. 9,249,188 & 8,518,454 B2) consist of ELVPGVPRGTQL (DNA-binding Protein Inhibitor ID-3), VAIIQHMIKKLR (EpsteinBarr virus induced gene-2), LPQEVLNENLLRF (Alpha S1-Casein), RLNARMAELR (S-adenosylmethionine synthetase isoform type-1), SSLQVLNMSHN(Toll- like receptor -4), EYQELMNVK (Keratin type II cytoskeletal 59 kDa component IV), VDTLNDEINFLR (Keratin type II cytoskeletal 7), DGIVNENLAER ( Ribonucleosidediphosphate reductase small chain). Th us, Radha 108 Nanopeptides stimulate the secretion of bio- similar (wide range of cytokines like interleukins, interferon) that are very eff ective in treating all viral and immune disorders like HIV, swine fl u, allergy, asthma, arthritis, diarrhea, fever, fatigue-malaise, anemia, endometriosis, cold and fl u by playing a crucial role.